IR Infrared Spectroscopy | Introduction and Principle

Описание к видео IR Infrared Spectroscopy | Introduction and Principle

IR Spectroscopy basic introduction and principle

IR spectroscopy is the spectroscopic technique which uses the Infrared light and studies its interaction with the molecules. The spectra generated can give a lot of information about the molecule, especially about the functional groups associated.
The bonds between the atom vibrate and posses vibrational motions- Stretching and Bending. There are two types of stretching vibrations namely, Asymmetric and Symmetric vibrations. The bending vibrations are the vibrations which lead to change in the bond angle concerning the original bond axis. The change in angle can be (+/- )0.5°. In this vibration, one bond may rock back and forth within the plane it shares with another bond or bend back and forth outside that plane. There are 4 types of bending vibrations namely, Wagging, Scissoring, Rocking and Twisting. Each of the vibration would absorb different frequencies of the IR.
A photon of light that has a frequency in the infrared range will be absorbed if the bonds between atoms in the target material allow these atoms to vibrate in this frequency. We measure number of Photons (or energy) absorbed at each frequency (a spectrum can be reduced to a graphic of energy that hit the detector as a function of frequency of the wave emitted by the source of radiation) and use this to gather information on the bonds between atoms.

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