World of Final Fantasy - Side Story Ep. 18: Squall and Shelke

Описание к видео World of Final Fantasy - Side Story Ep. 18: Squall and Shelke

Side story with Squall trying to figure out the path he's going to take after the events of the game and helping Shelke defeat a powerful Mirage.

The boss of this side quest is Memecoleous. It is very moderate in difficulty, the main problem here is Doom. So the fight is basically a tiny dps race before it can kill both twins with Doom. If any happen to die, use a Phoenix Down or Mega Phoenix. Also it can blind you with Great Sandstorm, so have some Eye Drops ready to be used. It is weak to wind and water-elemental attacks if you have any. If you don't have too many attacks of those elements, just use Dragon Scales/Water Spellstones and other hard hitting attacks on it. Bravery and Faith are pretty handy in this fight to increase your damage output. Just remember to top yourself up on HP also.


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