How to Master Your Mind

Описание к видео How to Master Your Mind

Achieving control over our own chaotic mind is one of the most difficult processes imaginable for human beings. Without having fully mastered our own minds, however, it is not possible to practice meditation in a way that will assure success. In this livestream event, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya explains to us the esoteric Yogic process of mastering our own minds in accordance with the teachings of the Vedic scriptures.

“It is, indeed, difficult to keep the mind under control. By long practice, however, the mind must attain the state of uprooting material desire.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.28)

“The impressions of worldly life then become dispersed all around. When these impressions of material life show a reduction, make firm the composure of your own mind by effort.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.29)

“By the achievement of this composure of mind and by the giving up of all material associations, then your own action, having gained for you the abode of Vaikuntha, protects you.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.30)

“By effort, repeated many times, bring your mind by slow steps to concentration on one aim (ekantam). Never attempt to do this rapidly.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.31)

“He who attempts to bring his mind under control too quickly brings down upon himself obstructions to gaining his object, or else becomes liable to disorders of various kinds.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.32)

“Just as one brings the irrepressible factor of lust under control by slow stages and by long protracted effort, in the same manner, the great minded sages bring their minds under discipline.” (Parama-Samhita Pancharatra, 10.33)

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