Venture Beyond

Описание к видео Venture Beyond

The Tower Manifesto

Venture beyond. Into uncharted territory. A life less ordinary exists to those who dare. Beyond the normal routine. Beyond the mundane. Beyond most people’s tolerance for risk. Beyond the inertia of an object at rest. A world of beauty, triumph, joy, and tranquility awaits.

Pursue your own thoughts; your own dreams. Do not chase someone else's definition of success. More than likely, they're misguided. Open your mind; think for yourself. Redefine success on your own terms, and true contentment will find you.

Above all else, enjoy the ride. Let wanderlust overcome you. Act the fool. Be adventurous. Stubbornly overcome your fears. Fall in love. Fail epically... but rise again. Eat, drink, and be merry... for tomorrow we may die. Be unafraid, my friends. We all die, but very few truly live. To life. To the beach.


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