Doctor Who Actors React to Female Doctor (+Jodie Whittaker)

Описание к видео Doctor Who Actors React to Female Doctor (+Jodie Whittaker)

Actors that have starred in Doctor Who reacting to the premise of a female doctor and the thirteenth doctor herself, Jodie Whittaker.

Actors include:
Patrick Troughton - Second Doctor
Tom Baker - Fourth Doctor
Peter Davison - Fifth Doctor
Colin Baker - Sixth Doctor
Sylvester McCoy - Seventh Doctor
Paul McGann - Eighth Doctor
David Tennant - Tenth Doctor
Peter Capaldi - Twelth Doctor
Nicola Bryant - Peri Brown
Bonnie Langford - Mel Bush
Billie Piper - Rose Tyler
Noel Clarke - Mickey Smith
John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness
Freema Agyeman - Martha Jones
Alex Kingston - River Song
Karen Gillan - Amy Pond / Amy Williams
Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams
Jenna Louise Coleman - Clara Oswald
Pearl Mackie - Bill Potts
Matt Lucas - Nardole


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