Mercator Sailing | Navigation

Описание к видео Mercator Sailing | Navigation

This video will clear all your doubts on Mercator Sailing.

Questions like :
What is a Mercator chart? How was it made?
What is Mercator projection? Why is it so useful for practical navigation?
Rhumb line
Meridional Parts
Difference in Meridional Parts
The Mercator Sailing Triangle
Formula used in Mercator Sailing

All these things will be answered in this video graphically with the help of diagrams so that you can understand the core concepts behind Mercator Sailing.
The main objective of the navigation series will be to understand the concepts which will be great for the long-term.

Watch video on :

Basics of Navigation :    • The Earth, Latitude, Longitude, D'lat...  
Terms such as -The Earth, Parallel of Latitudes, Latitude, Longitude, D'lat, D'long, Departure & difference between d'long / departure are all explained in detail with the help of diagrams.

Parallel Sailing :    • Parallel Sailing | Navigation  
What is Parallel Sailing? Why is it called Parallel sailing? Formula used in parallel sailing. Types of questions asked in parallel sailing and the correct approach to parallel sailing questions are all explained in detail with the help of diagrams.

Plane Sailing concepts :    • Plane Sailing | Navigation  
Formula used in plane sailing, M'lat, Quadrantal Course & Plane sailing triangle are all explained in detail with the help of diagrams.

Plane Sailing questions :    • Plane Sailing - Solving questions | N...  
Types of questions asked and the correct approach in solving them. Both the types are explained with the plane sailing triangle so that you can score maximum marks in the exams.


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