Ultimate Freemode Bmx Wallclimb Guide

Описание к видео Ultimate Freemode Bmx Wallclimb Guide

A project I wanted to do 5 years ago when learning wallclimb :] but thought it would be boring especially since most walls felt easy by the time I wanted to do it, which is why I made an iaa compilation 4 years ago instead, I've recently come back from a 6 month break from the ps4 and after uploading my friend's race, it put me in a recording mood and I thought I'd finally make it and didn't expect to discover so many new ways to wallclimb these walls without the help of race props, if you're wondering why they are all so clean, I tortured myself for 8 days doing all these and I did them many many times until I was satisfied with the outcome, that included iaa and fib to 😫 but yess this is my longest video ever and my most boring I hope you enjoy!!! :]

I did my best to reference all the beginner tutorial walls as it didnt feel right not including them and ofc make the clips even more cool like the construction wallclimb that was popular in dada9x9 video long ago and ofc have a nice order :]

I also wallclimbed certain walls that didn't seem ethical like the precision iaa or standing wallclimb wiwang building those were just a reference to the pro community since the wiwang wall on that side with no space was 1 of the first OG pro wallclimb races made by adg bmx who was the 1st ps4 wallclimber to wallclimb iaa, I remember being shocked and honestly thought he was cheating 😂😭 and for the precision iaa that's a reference to rimka who wallclimbed it long ago which made me wanna add it to the video :]

There was a very few small walls I didn't include and 2 walls that look possible but I gave hours of my time just to find out they were not or atleast i had the worst luck with being stopped by the ledges and barriers. If you think there's any that we're worthy of being in here I will test them out to see if there possible and do the very best version i can of it since I did alot of testing recently and looked all over the map so maybe down the line I will update it if I think the wall would be cool enough 😊 (also the gentry manor hotel is possible to get all the way to the roof using the umbrellas but I completely forgot to make a full clip of it as I was busy with the other walls)


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