Redfoot Tortoise Diet - Meeting Their Need For Animal Protein

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For more information on the Redfoot tortoise diet visit this page on my website:



When deciding what to feed your redfoot tortoise, an important thing to remember is that these tortoises aren't picky about what they eat. Like most forest tortoise species, they will eat a wide variety of different foods. However, you must still ensure that they are getting properly nourished by what you're feeding them.

As an omnivore, the redfoot tortoise needs both plants and animals included in its diet. However, the ratio of fruit and vegetation should be much higher than the meat that you feed it. When living in the wild, redfoot tortoises eat, on average, the following ratios: 55% fruit, 35% greens, and 10% protein diet. Some have found that a 50/50 ratio of fruits and vegetables works well, with only a minimal amount of protein added on top. Studies have shown that neurological problems and hind leg paralysis can develop if the redfoot does not get some animal protein, so be certain not to feed it a strictly vegetarian diet. Low fertility rates have also been linked to vegetarian diets. Happily, it's pretty easy to feed your redfoot the wide variety it needs to thrive and stay in top physical condition.

What types of vegetation should your redfoot tortoise consume? The vast majority of its diet should consist of differing types of leafy greens, vegetables, grasses, and really any kind of fruit. Leafy greens are low in phosphorous, but high in calcium--things that the redfoot needs to stay healthy, and in those doses. Once per month, adding a portion of mushrooms, such as portabellas, or shitakes also contributes to redfoot health. Mushrooms are mineral rich, but should only be given once a month due to their containing other things that are not good for the redfoot in large quantity, so use sparingly. In the wild, redfoot tortoises will eat them, but only on occasion. Other plant based foods found in the redfoot diet include an array of flowers, including roses and dandelions. Hosta and mulberry leaves can be consumed too.

While mushrooms should be given monthly, animal proteins can be given weekly. In what quantities, and what kind of animal protein? Cat food seems to work well. Use low fat dry cat food and let it soak in water for ten minutes. Mix four to six pellets per tortoise in with its fruit. Adding calcium carbonate powder to the fruit is important too. Time the redfoot for half an hour, allowing it to eat all it wants within that time period. Then remove any leftover food.

Food should be served on a slate, like the sample tiles you might pick up at your local Ace hardware store. The reason for this is so that the tortoise can bite down on the food while the slate files their beak down to a subdued length, thereby killing two birds with one stone, and eliminating the need for you to file the beak by hand.

For more information on the redfoot diet, whether you're looking to buy a redfoot or you're just looking to improve the diet of the redfoot you already own, visit this helpful website for more information:
That website page is full of lot of illuminating information about how to care for your redfoot. Also, don't forget that, as with any pet, the redfoot's water dish should be kept full at all times.

You naturally want the best for your tortoise. A redfoot tortoise can live up to thirty years, and part of helping it get their is by providing the best diet possible. If you follow the suggestions in this article, you and your redfoot are going to be buddies for a long time to come.


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