Frank Discussions: Stein Kruse, Group Chief Executive Officer, Holland America Group & Carnival UK

Описание к видео Frank Discussions: Stein Kruse, Group Chief Executive Officer, Holland America Group & Carnival UK

Interview recorded May 26, 2020

In this interview, we will get an inside look at the future of the cruise industry and how people’s health and safety can be taken to even higher levels. Stein also addresses the importance of bringing together a multinational/multicultural workforce and how to lead while worldwide operations are closed down. He’ll share some of the influences and values that have helped him overcome challenges and produce successes in his career and significance in his life.

At the intersection of business and education, Frank Discussions is a series of brief executive interviews with the leaders defining innovation and industry today and tomorrow. Hosted by Frank Hodge, the Orin & Janet Smith Endowed Dean at the University of Washington’s Michael G. Foster School of Business, Frank Discussions looks beyond the business decisions making headlines to shed light on how and why great leaders do what they do.

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