How is the closure of HACC's training complex impacting nearby police departments?

Описание к видео How is the closure of HACC's training complex impacting nearby police departments?

The Senator Jeffrey E. Piccola Law Enforcement Training Complex on the HACC Harrisburg campus remains closed.

The doors have been locked for nearly three weeks, after elevated lead levels were found during a Sept. 6 lead monitoring test of the facility’s shooting range.

The Camp Hill Police Department is one of the local departments that use the range throughout the year for training.

“The ease and convenience of the indoor range, not having to worry about weather is so beneficial and readily available for all of us," said Chief Stephen Margeson of the Camp Hill Police Department.

As of Tuesday, HACC has provided lead testing guidance to 115 individuals, according to the school’s president.

HACC is paying for any student, instructor or client who wants it.

Read the full article here:

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