12 Guys vs 1 Bush. (National Airsoft Festival 2023)

Описание к видео 12 Guys vs 1 Bush. (National Airsoft Festival 2023)

12 Guys taken out by me hiding in 1 Bush at NAF - National Airsoft Festival.

Filmed at the National Airsoft Festival 2023.

Cameras used:
Scope cam - Foxeer Legend 4k scope cam
Headcam - Go pro Hero 8 black
Selfie cam - Go pro session 5


Airsoft Primary: Tokyo marui VSR 10 with Gen 3 Wasp piston by SM and a flamingo bucking
Ghillie - Custom Lycra base with Adaptive Ghillie Mesh - AGM from the Summer crafting pack.

*Disclamier*. I am not John Wick. This is a highly edited video with all the best most fun bit of the day strung together. I often cut out the times I get taken out and piece together a story that is loosely based on what happened. Airsoft videos in general are not very watchable without this as there's a lot of time when you aren't in the action.


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