10 Crazy Vehicles You Could Actually Own Today

Описание к видео 10 Crazy Vehicles You Could Actually Own Today

These 10 crazy advanced vehicles in the world are truly amazing! From flying cars to space cars you will definitely want to grab one today. It used to be that all you ever wanted from a vehicle was the ability to get it to drive, float, or fly. Now, it's actually possible.

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Let's take a look at some of the most incredibly innovative vehicles around today, and a few of them are so secret you won’t even find on the road.

A few of them are already available to us folks, others are in the testing phase, while still others are prototypes. One criteria used in making this list was that the vehicles couldn’t be mere concepts, they had to be real in all the glory that glass and metal can muster.

Here’s a look at the best of what high-tech and the transportation industry have to offer, some of them offering bonuses to that sweet ride you might be looking for, while others might even challenge your idea of what an incredible advanced vehicle might look like.

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