The MOST POWERFUL BUILD For SOLO Players In The Division 2! (2024)
Crazy 20 Million DPS Solo PvE Chameleon Build!
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Intro 0:00
Legendary Skill Build 1:00
Umbra Initiative 5:12
Hey guys what's going on welcome back to another Division 2 video. So, I wanted to show you guys a couple unique build setups that will make farming out in the open world, fairly easy. These builds will work extremely well and each of them will cater to a different type of playstyle. The first build will be a very powerful skill damage build that harnesses the power of the waveform holster to deal out heavy skill damage. This build truly makes farming extremely easy.
So this first build is actually an improved version of another skill build that I showcased here on the channel in a couple of my other videos, so if you have been following me and have seen some of those older videos, first of all, thank you so much for being a subscriber but consider this a 2.0 version of that skill build.
For the mask, I'm using the Empress International brandset, which is designed for skill builds, and that is because of the bonuses you will get from having pieces equipped. In my case, since I have three pieces, I will be getting 10% skill health, skill damage, and skill efficiency. And for those who may not know, skill efficiency is basically like weapon handling, but instead of increasing weapon accuracy, stability, and all that other jazz, skill efficiency will increase the effectiveness of your skills. On the mask, you want to have skill haste and skill damage attributes. Because, the more skill damage and skill haste you can get on this build, the more damage it will deal out and the faster your skills will cool down. For the chest piece, another piece of the Empress International set with skill haste and skill damage. And for the talent, glass cannon. Glass cannon will amplify all damage you deal by 25%. However, the downside is that you take 50% amplified damage.
This second build is a very powerful Umbra Initiative DPS build. This build is insanely strong, and it just absolutely melts players in PVP. It's great for PVE as well and you can even use this build to farm legendary missions. So I'll briefly go over the breakdown of the build and I'll be showing you guys some PVE and PVP gameplay footage of both these builds at the end. So this is a four-piece Umbra setup with one-piece Walker Harris and contractor's gloves. For the Walker Harris backpack, I have the companion talent rolled, and I decided to go with Walker Harris for an additional 5% weapon damage so it works out. The talent companion is great because it will give you an increased 15% weapon damage. However, you will need to be within 5 meters of either an ally or a skill. So if you have skill deployed nearby, you will have this buff activated as you can see from the cat icon under your status bar. This talent goes well with the Umbra gearset. And for those who are new and may not know, the Umbra Initiative gearset will give you an additional 15% critical hit chance for having two pieces equipped, 30% reload speed for having three pieces, and four pieces will unlock this gearset's talent, from the shadows into the light.
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