[BCWW2023] Global K-content market was held at Seoul, Korea(짧은 영상)

Описание к видео [BCWW2023] Global K-content market was held at Seoul, Korea(짧은 영상)

문화체육관광부가 주최하고 한국콘텐츠진흥원이 주관한 아시아 최대 방송영상콘텐츠마켓 ‘BCWW(BroadCast WorldWide) 2023’은 8월 16일부터 사흘간 서울 삼성동 코엑스에서 개최됐습니다.
2023년 행사는 ‘콘텐츠의 새로운 미래를 펼치다(EXPAND YOUR STAGE)’라는 슬로건 아래 20개국, 290개사에 달하는 전 세 계 콘텐츠 산업 관계자들이 참여했습니다.(최종 집계 전)

BCWW는 콘텐츠 사업자 간의 비즈니스 매칭과 쇼케이스, 글로벌 콘텐츠 시장의 변화를 한눈에 바라볼 수 있는 콘퍼런스 등 B2B 프로그램도 벌어졌습니다.

여러 행사가 겹친 관계로 현장 참관 인력이 많지 않았지만 비즈니스 협상과 컨퍼런스는 뜨거웠습니다. 17일 ‘K 포맷의 해외 진출’, 18일 ‘국경 없는 다양한 콘텐츠 비즈니스’ 등에는 많은 전문가가 모였습니다. 또 국내 유명 OTT 플랫 폼 및 하이브(HYBE)의 방송 콘텐츠를 즐길 수 있는 K-콘텐츠 플레이그라운드 등 일반 방문객 대상 B2C 프로그램까지 다양한 축제의 장도 마련됐습니다.

BCWW2023, which is Asia's largest broadcasting video content market, was held at COEX in Sam-seong-dong, Seoul for three days from the 16th. That event was hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Creative Content Agency(KOCCA)

BCWW has recently attracted international attention from domestic production companies related to K-content. It was an event where platforms and overseas buyers gather in one place, and this year, it will unfold a new future of content

This year, Under the slogan "EXPAND YOUR STAGE," 290 global companies in 20 countries Officials from the industry participate. This BCWW was a global content market for Biz matching and showcases among content providers.

From B2B programs such as conferences where you could see changes at a glance to famous streaming platforms in Korea. K-Content Playground where you could enjoy the broadcast content of form and HYBE, etc
It had been prepared as a venue for various festivals, including B2C programs for general visitors.
In particular, this year, thanks to the explosive popularity of K-content, the domestic content market is a global stock

As K-content is incorporated into the main content market, global companies and officials were more enthusiastic than ever.
Total 290 companies from 20 countries participated, an increase of more than 20% compared to last year. It was also the largest ever since it was first held in 2000.
In addition, in the era of content convergence across genres and platforms, participating companies
Business areas was also diversifying beyond broadcasting content. More attention recently
▲OTT/platform ▲ content IP ▲ virtual production ▲ media technology, etc
It was expected to be a richer event with many domestic and foreign companies participating All.

Jo Hyun-rae, president of the KOCCA, said, “BCWW is hot with the enthusiastic participation of global content providers."

A place that continues to grow amid driving interest and takes the status of K-content to the next level, "It has become," he said. "Now that the domestic content industry has grown into a global mainstream market,
BCWW will actively play a role as a global broadcasting and video market beyond Asia We will support it," he said.

Photo. KOCCA provided
#entertainment #Korea content, #kcontent #directmedialab,



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