Will liposuction be enough vs tummy tuck revision?

Описание к видео Will liposuction be enough vs tummy tuck revision?

Ask Dr. Pane! Do you have a cosmetic surgery question for Dr. Pane? If so contact us at http://acplasticsurg.com/

This weeks question is.. Will liposuction be enough vs tummy tuck revision?

The Question

Liposuction and abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, procedures send a lot of questions our way. One great example is a question we received from Facebook. The patient asks, “I had a tummy tuck with a muscle repair done a couple of years ago. After healing, it left a bulge at the bottom of my abdomen. My doctor at the time suggested exercise. I tried that and it didn’t work. Will liposuction be enough to correct this, or do I need to consider a tummy tuck revision?”

The Case

Dr. Pane reviewed the pictures the patient included with her question. He noted the patient does have some bulging around the lower abdomen, but does not appear to have a great deal of loose skin visible in the photos. However, as always, photographs are not always fully indicative of the issue, nor can they conclusively establish what the best corrective procedure may be.

Dr. Pane’s Answer

In this case, where there is roundness of the abdomen and scarring from the original tummy tuck, the first thing to look at is skin quality and tightness or laxity. Based on the appearance of the pictures, the skin looks to be in reasonably good condition, without a lot of laxity. The problem is, pictures are never the best way to determine overall skin quality, and it’s hard to be certain in this case what is going simply from looking at the surface.

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