[HINDI] Thoughtless meditation - State of thoughtlessness निर्विचार ध्यान by Sirshree

Описание к видео [HINDI] Thoughtless meditation - State of thoughtlessness निर्विचार ध्यान by Sirshree

Thoughtlessness Meditation - State of thoughtlessness निर्विचार ध्यान

Close your eyes. Be seated with the body relaxed but straight, with the intention that you will use this time solely for meditation. For other thoughts, you have all day. Dedicate this time solely to Meditation (Dhyana).
Now, whatever you are listening to, you are acting on it and these actions are taking you further deep in the meditation...
You are not the body. Then what are you?... The state which you are, what is that state?... What dimensions you see of that state... 'Thoughtless dimension' – In this dimension, you realize that you don't receive thoughts but it is the machine (body-mind) which receives thoughts and you are just seated in front of this machine (body-mind). Without this understanding, it is difficult to reach deeper levels of meditation...
People begin slowly with meditation exercises, meditation techniques. They will then have to go into deeper levels of meditation, knowledge, devotion and surrendering. Today, we will work on the Thoughtless dimension... We will do 'I am thoughtlessness' meditation... Thoughtless state Meditation!... In this meditation, you will tell yourself, 'I am a thoughtless state. Thoughts come in the body. This body is in front of me and because of this body I can experience myself, I can experience my existence, I can experience being alive. After acquiring this understanding go to the next level and see, if there are actually thoughts inside the body or that is also just an illusion... If a thought of office comes to your mind then tell yourself, 'I am experiencing an illusion that a thought of office is passing through my machine (body-mind) but in reality, there is no such thought. This is just an illusion and not the truth.' Continue meditation with this understanding...
Whatever are the thoughts tell yourself, 'I am feeling that thoughts of that particular person are passing through my machine (body-mind) but this is not the truth, it is an illusion. I can feel that thought, I can even see a picture of that person in my mind but still, that thought is not there, it is an illusion'...
You are a thoughtless state. You had always been thoughtless. It seems like thoughts are coming but in reality, this never happens. Stay in the thoughtless state and remind yourself after every thought that it looks like I have this thought but it is not there. That thought does not exist...
People use meditation techniques, do meditation exercises to become thoughtless. But you know you are already thoughtless. If you have a feeling that a thought is there, it's ok. But that thought should not drag you along it. Tell yourself, it feels like that thought is there but it is not there... A suit hung in a dark room appears like a person standing there, it may look like a thieve. But in reality, there is nobody...
A thought may come saying 'There is no thought', 'This is such a wonderful experience' or a thought comes about some particular person, place, emotion, past, future or present inconvenience, then also tell yourself, 'It feels a thought has come but in reality it is not there...' Every thought just feels but it does not exist... With this understanding let every thought dissolve. This is - Thoughtless Meditation! You are already 'Thoughtless'... A state beyond every state, bright state. You are that state...
Pain may be there but the sorrow which is attached with that pain – does not exist.
If you see water in the desert and realize there is no water, it is an illusion then the rush will stop. In the same way when you will realize there are no thoughts then the problems related to thoughts will end.
A thought may come 'I am getting bored' or 'I am feeling sleepy' or 'It is too late I am doing this meditation' then tell yourself, 'This thought is an illusion, no such thought exist'.
If a thought comes, 'what is the benefit of this meditation?' then tell yourself, 'I felt a thought of this question has come but there is no such thought. In reality, there is no such question. I am free from every question.' You are the answer. Thoughtless State is the answer. I am always a thoughtless state.
Let this meditation continue for some time then open your eyes.

This meditation is of the the primordial question, "Who are you?" or "Who am I?". See the thoughts and your body distinctly separate from you. Go onto yourself and become a self-witness.

The prime aim this meditation is to increase the conviction of your true being and your separateness from the body-mind so that in day to day activities you are able to act with this conviction.

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निर्विचार ध्यान - Thoughtless Meditation
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