This Man Broke One Piece Scaling
My Twitter~ / tylearn_
After seeing in the recent vivre cards that Crocodile is confirmed a haki user, today I wanted to discuss not only how he’s slept on regarding his scaling but also why he in retrospect, is a perfect addition to the one piece world and why he to me will remain as one of the biggest menaces within the one piece world. Now even before Alabasta, we know Crocodile started his journey back around when Whitebeard was still in his prime. We know Crocodile attempted to fight him which went about as well as you’d think. Yet despite this, Crocodile continued his journey and even built up a crew called Baroque Works, a group composed of some of the deadliest warriors within the one piece world. Anywho, Crocodile would be the strongest of his crew with the power system of his crew being number based. So since he’s Mr 0, he’s pretty much the number one threat of the crew. For reference this would mean characters like Mr 1 who pushed Zoro beyond his limits, who before pushing his limits was already on par with Luffy, would be sub Crocodile. Crocodile especially after the first hit would be caught off guard from this, and yet despite this he beats Luffy anyway and in Round 3 we see Luffy blatantly getting stronger, while Crocodile throughout the whole arc hasn't been able to recover. I will say him losing to this Luffy especially after we see him get so much stronger a few arcs later is kinda disappointing, and we see even in the one piece world after Crocodile lost, characters like Moria and Fujitora either being disappointed or even wanting to abolish the warlord system in general just because of this horrendous L. So it isn’t just you, literally the characters in universe find this L to be embarrassing. Crocodile CLEARLY would have defeated Luffy if he took him seriously but the ego he had is what ultimately caused him to lose. And also to be fair to Luffy he had 3 opportunities to beat him, and he got a lot stronger during the final encounter. After Crocodile fails his mission and his goals go up in flames, we wouldn’t really see him again until Luffy enters the most dangerous prison in the world, that being Impel Down. During this time Crocodile would be constantly withstanding Impel Downs torture system, which he would be seemingly unphased by. After this point in the story, we’d start to see a lot of the previous characters who got power cliffed come back and Croc is no exception to this. Not only do we see Jimbe and Luffy being the big dogs leading the escape, we’d see Crocodile in the anime specifically reacting to Gear 2 after he comes out of nowhere to kick him away. As we know Luffy is many times more powerful than when he was in Alabasta, so if Crocodile scales to Luffy, then that means he would have to have gotten multiple times stronger. This makes sense considering that kick Luffy didn't even hurt bro and we’d see throughout Marineford Crocodile at his WORST be superior to Gear 2. And as we know, after the paramount war, he and Mr 1 would end up joining with Buggy and Mihawk, forming the strongest alliance known as Cross Guild. Crocodile during this time as we know learned Haki thanks to the recent vivre card, meaning he can interact with Logia users and can predict the future. We know Haki in general is a SIGNIFICANT multiplier so if you weren’t convinced Crocodile wasn’t strong before, well now the same Crocodile that survived hits from Jozu and clashed with Doflamingo without Haki, now has that same power. It’s specifically mentioned he has armament and observation, which does confirm he isn't a conqueror but the possibility of him having conquerors is there. If Crocodile hasn’t surpassed these threats by now then he honestly is just going to get farted on by base Luffy next time they see each other, so I’m more inclined to say the next time we see Crocodile he’s probably going to power creep the majority of characters and will be in that high Yonko commander 1 tier. His scaling to Mihawk I feel isn’t all that accurate as Mihawk in general wasn’t taking anyone in Marineford seriously, BUT if you want to say Cross Guilds rep got built up because of these 2 AND IF CROC MAYBE GETS CONQUERORS? Crocodile could actually be a top tier and maybe the agenda is real. But as of right now his level of power is still ambiguous and I hope Oda can be a little more consistent with his power this time around, unlike with what he was doing with Crocodile in Pre timeskip.
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