A Typical Day For A Respiratory Therapist | Funny Stop Motion

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A Typical Day For A Respiratory Therapist | Funny Stop Motion

I work with some awesome Respiratory Therapists (RT). Not only are they excellent at their jobs, but they're good friends as well... this makes it even more super cool to work with them.

Lately, I've seen many posts that salute doctors and nurses. I'm not one but even I have to ask, "Dude, what about RTs?" So this is my salute to them... in Brickology fashion, of course. I put all of the RT videos into this short compilation... hope you enjoy it!

I named the RT in this video after Greg, a retired RT I met on Instagram when I first started making videos. He was an immediate supporter and we would message each other almost daily discussing the job, the videos, and where I could take this idea. I enjoyed these conversations and when cancer finally took Greg, I promised that I would name the RT after him. So this one's for you, Greg. I hope you're up there watching and laughing. I do miss our conversations.

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