Grabvid Review and Demo – (Don't buy until you watch this authentic Grabvid review and demo)

Описание к видео Grabvid Review and Demo – (Don't buy until you watch this authentic Grabvid review and demo)

In this Grabvid review and demo, I will show you - how you can grab any piece of content and repurpose it to any video of your choice. You can either pick your own videos or choose YouTube videos. What this software does is – it transcribes the entire video for you.


Let suppose you choose Creative Common videos. You can select the content of the video and hit: Add punctuation – what it will do it will – it will punctuate the content to the best of its capabilities.
It structures your content professionally and you have your content arranged in paragraphs which tell the voice –over to lay a bit more emphasis at different places of your content.

This Grabvid review and demo explain the entire process of repurposing your content to create stunning videos. You can also pick a particular portion of your content or the entire content and give it a special Voice-over. Like medium or moderate and can also some other volume effects.
Then you can also use the TRANSLATE feature to convert this content to a language of your choice. You can translate your videos into 23 languages and it also has voice-overs in all these 23 languages.

You can also choose from various templates to create your videos and more templates would be added to this software soon.

Once you press the ADD button of the template, it creates the canvas for you, with videos is automatically populated, the audio is automatically populated, and the text as captions as well are also populated.
In the future, you will have the option to remove the text as captions but as if for now.

You will see that the video is available, the text is available.

You can see the video along with the text on the side of your video.

You can also add images to your videos from the panel, and

You can also add your images by searching the keywords of your choice, and you can also choose from various sounds as there are a bunch of sounds available in this software.
You can choose from 406 sounds. And when you do it is also easy for you to modulate the volume, of course, you want the volume level to be at the highest level and the audio level you want them to be perhaps a bit lower.

Then you can also add more text if you want to.
You can also add some stickers and emoticons.
You can also change the background color of your videos in case you do not want to use the previous color.

So in a nutshell we can say that it is quite easy for you to do all these things with this amazing software. The voice-over is done automatically. I hope I have covered everything in this Grabvid review and demo and you can always click the link in this description for more details about Grabvid.
If you want to resize the video for multiple social media platforms, you can do that easily.
You can choose from 16:9 or 9:16 which is a full portrait and which is also used in TikTok and Instagram.
So it is very easy for you to create different variations of videos very quickly.
Once you are done simply click on NEXT which will give you the option to RENDER your video, It will take a few minutes for rendering and you can see your videos rendering in your dashboard.

Disclaimer: This video contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of them, I will receive a small commission.


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