Midnight praises by the monks of St. Macarius Monastery 1977

Описание к видео Midnight praises by the monks of St. Macarius Monastery 1977

This recording of the Midnight Praises is from the Monastery of St. Macarius the Great at Scetis (Wadi Natrun, Egypt). It was recorded on Friday, July 15, 1977 by 60 monks.

Concluding Absolution of the Fathers is by Fr. Matta El Meskine (Matthew the Poor).

The psalmody is a deep spiritual monument based in the order of the Holy Liturgy. It was placed through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is clear from the words of the psalmody, which are taken from the Holy Bible, the Book of Psalms, and from the accurate and deep theological understandings. These understandings can be found in its tunes which move the emotions and stays in the sky of the spirit. Thus bringing a person closer and closer to God and helping him easily towards the life of meditation in His characteristics and works.

--His Grace Bishop Hedra


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