10 BEST CHAMPIONS to Build Your FIRST NM CLAN BOSS TEAM - Raid Shadow Legends Beginner Guide

Описание к видео 10 BEST CHAMPIONS to Build Your FIRST NM CLAN BOSS TEAM - Raid Shadow Legends Beginner Guide

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SUBSCRIBE for MORE VIDEOS:    / @cob-raid  

SKULLCRUSHER / Counterattacker: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
SEPULCHER SENTINEL / VERGIS / Counterattacker: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
WIXWELL:    • MEGA BUDGET UNM Clan Boss Team! - "IT...  
DEMYTHA X2: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
DEMYTHA / MANEATER / HIGH KHATUN: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
DEMYTHA / Any Legendary unkillable or block damage: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
DEMYTHA / DEACON / HIGHKHATUN: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
MANEATER / MANEATER: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...
PAINKEEPER X2 / DEMYTHA / HEIRESS: https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/...

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