Registry ka kharcha Kitna aata hai| expenses on registry of property| registry process year 2022,23

Описание к видео Registry ka kharcha Kitna aata hai| expenses on registry of property| registry process year 2022,23

what are charges charges or expenses on registry (sale deed)?
what are current taxes imposed by the govt on transfer of property?
what is registration fee?.
what is the rate Capita l gain tax?
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what is the percentage of stamp duty? what are miscellaneous expenditures in process of registration of land/property?
To know answer of all the questions see video till end. you Will be able to calculate the expenditures Of Registry yourself. please subscribe my channel for more information and more informative videos.

new taxes 2022-23| Zameen ki registry ka Kitna kharcha aata hai? Law with Mahmood Abdullah Khan. expenses on registry of property. sale/purchase of property. property registry process year 2022 to 2023. property registration expenses. registry charges in Punjab. Registry charges in Pakistan. Registry charges in Punjab 2022-23. property transfer fee. property transfer expenditures. property tax. Registry ka kharcha. Zameen ki registry par total kitna khatrcha aata hai. stamp fee. plot zameen ki registry ka kharcha.


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