Primordial Qigong - Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang

Описание к видео Primordial Qigong - Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang

Tai Chi Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang of Beijing, China was also a master of Taoist Qigong (rejuvenation & healing exercises; alternatively spelled: Chi Kung). The Primordial Qigong (Hunyuan Qigong) is a series of gentle movements that recharges you like a battery with deep breathing and full body motion. It blends the basic ("primordial") creative energies of Nature with the personal energy of the human body. The Taoist healing tradition of China knows that abundant life energy (the "Qi") is always flowing around us. We simply need to open ourselves to the Qi to recharge our vitality. Practicing the Primordial Qigong promotes physical endurance and resistance to illness. It reduces stored stress and chases away fatigue. Many people find that this style of qigong provides relief from many different ailments including headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and rheumatism.

This 15 minute video is a shortened demonstration of the Primordial Qigong. All movements are shown. But typically one would practice a longer session. Here is a link to a translation of the Chinese narration, which I commissioned from a professional translator and then edited in the light of my qigong training. [I will welcome any corrections in the comments area from Chinese-speaking viewers.] . TO PRACTICE ALONG WITH THIS VIDEO, TURN DOWN THE SOUND so you will not be distracted by the Chinese narration (unless you understand Chinese).

I, acupuncturist Eli Jacobe, practice in Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA. I learned Master Feng Zhiqiang's Primordial Qigong in 2002 from Kenneth S. Cohen, a prominent American qigong scholar and teacher. Ken had trained extensively in the USA with Madam Gao Fu, a direct disciple of Master Feng, as well as training with Grandmaster Feng when he visited North America. Ken provides training in the Primoridal Qigong in workshops around the USA.

I teach the complete set of the Primordial Qigong routine, including the rarely disclosed internal visualizations that are essential to get the full benefit of the movements. My classes convey an understanding of Qi, gained by my students' experience of awakening Qi in the body. To enroll in a group class or for private instruction, call me at 978-525-2255. For additional information about qigong, please visit my website: .

I teach weekly qigong classes in Manchester, Massachusetts at the Ananda Shanti Yoga Studio, 11 Beach, in downtown Manchester (near the Post Office) Thursdays at 11 AM to 12:15 PM.

(Memo: Master Feng passed away on 5 May 2012, at the age of 85.)

An illustrated English translation of Master Feng's book on the Primordial Qigong system is available from:


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