ONDC Financial Services: Deep Dive

Описание к видео ONDC Financial Services: Deep Dive

Mohit Monga - VP, Financial Services, Open Network For Digital Commerce (ONDC)
Manoj Gupta - CEO, Plotch.ai

ONDC fintech protocol was released last month with use cases of personal unsecured lending and GST based unsecured lending for sole proprietors. In this session, we will go deeper into those ONDC fintech flows and related ONDC protocol

This webinar is for anyone who is looking to either build or adopt fintech in ONDC network including but not limited to lending, insurance and mutual funds. Ideally designed for CEOs, CTOs, founders, product managers, business development and developers in the fintech domain and anyone who is looking to launch a startup in fintech in ONDC.

Plotch.ai is the largest ONDC rails infrastructure company and we have built a multitude of software products to ensure these rails are supercharged. Through a series of sessions, we will unlock our technical wealth given the ethos of ONDC network is to share and work together. Hopefully with these sessions, we will also learn from you all.

1. ONDC Fintech Overview and Use Cases
2 ONDC Fintech Flows
3. ONDC Fintech Protocol Architecture
4. ONDC Fintech Interplay Architecture
5. QnA


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