ONDC Tech: Architecture - Part 1

Описание к видео ONDC Tech: Architecture - Part 1

Manoj Gupta - Plotch.ai

ONDC network runs on ONDC protocol. The technology in network architecture in a lot of ways behaves differently than a platform architecture. The systems are distributed, the communication is with varied types of technology stacks and fundamentally APIs become the centerpiece of everything.

Plotch.ai is the largest ONDC rails infrastructure company and we have built a multitude of software products to ensure this rails is supercharged. Through a series of sessions, we will unlock our technical wealth given the ethos of ONDC network is to share and work together. Hopefully with these sessions, we will also learn from you all.
This session is part 1 of our series.

In this session, we will go deeper into ONDC protocol & network architecture and how we have mapped it. In later series we will go deeper into APIs, integrations, scaling solutions, AI and various other protocol frameworks on which the ONDC network is being built.

These sessions are technical in nature and are for developers, product managers, devops and CTOs.

1. ONDC Network Architecture
2. ONDC Protocol Architecture
3. Tech Architecture Planning
4. QnA


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