Signs of Adult ADHD

Описание к видео Signs of Adult ADHD

Learn more about Adult ADHD here:

In this video, leading psychologist, Dr. Judy Ho, and MedCircle host, Kyle Kittleson, provide eye-opening insight to the Adult ADHD diagnosis and treatment. From causing relationship issues to interfering with work productivity, and even to co-occurring with other mental health issues like substance abuse, anxiety, and depression, Adult ADHD is pervasive—especially when it goes undiagnosed.

In this video Dr. Judy Ho answers...
- How common is ADHD in adulthood?
- What is the difference between adult ADHD and ADD?
- What are some common misconceptions when it comes to adults who either believe they have ADHD or have received the diagnosis of ADHD?
- What percent of children recover from ADHD and what percent of people have it in adulthood?
- A lot of adults think they have ADHD. When does it go from being "a lack of attention" to full-blown adult ADHD?

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