StillMotion Know Tour - My Experience

Описание к видео StillMotion Know Tour - My Experience

Disclosure: Stillmotion's workshop production company Monte Zucker waived my workshop registration fee in exchange for a video on my experience of StillMotion "Know" tour in Denver.

First off I want to say I've always been a big fan of Stillmotion. They have shared so much over the years since this whole DSLR craze started to happen and I have learned a ton from them. I also try to share as much as I can, but my film making knowledge is a fraction of what Patrick and his crew have to offer. Stillmotion is awesome, you should be following them. I've had them listed on blogroll for years.
StillMotion in StopMotion

I ran across Petra Cross's Google+ conference video a while back and always want to try something like this when the opportunity presented itself. So when Stillmotion's workshop production company contacted me to create a video for them on my experience at one of their workshops, I thought this would be the perfect 'treatment' or method to use. I also thought to myself, "Well their name is 'Stillmotion'.... I might as well create a 'Stop Motion' of their workshop."

I remember listening to a podcast that Patrick Moreau did a while back where he said something like this, "When I enter a room that I am going to film in, I'm thinking of shooting it like no one else has before". So using stop motion, a fast tempo song with a driving beat with kind of a dance feel, I felt pretty good that I was being unique.

When it came to color grading my images I wanted the clips NOT to match, I wanted it to be a little jarring, perhaps how light changes quickly in a dance club. Banquet rooms are so boring, and I didn't want to make a boring video. This is a very creative and fun topic, so I went bold in this video, perhaps I went too far, but to me it is better to go too far than make another boring banquet room video.

Stop Motion or Time Lapse?

I'm not sure which of these two is the correct term for this video. Stop Motion I think applies to making objects move on their own and time lapse shows a passage of time quickly. I have both in this video so I am not sure which is correct.

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