Testing Nakst Integrate #2 - Custom Patches

Описание к видео Testing Nakst Integrate #2 - Custom Patches

Part 2 of the testing of Nakst Integrate. I made some custom patches primarily suitable for ambient, atmospheric and cinematic soundtracks. I used the internal FX for reverb, delay, distortion etc.

Introduction (from the manual):

As technology has improved, it has become possible for manufacturers to produce
increasingly complex synthesizers. This has led to the creation of synths that trade off easeof-use for maximum sound design potential, spreading hundreds upon hundreds of options
and parameters throughout dizzying interfaces, full of tabs and menus. They provide oscillators
and filters with such immense algorithmic precision that any soul or character is stripped away
before it has a chance to flourish in the sound. Integrate is not like that.

Integrate has been designed with the goal of creating an old-school virtual analog that has
just as much personality as any of the classics, paired with a fantastic user interface that makes
exploring the sonic possibilities an effortless pleasure. It cannot do everything, but this is
intentional; limitations breed creativity. No longer will you spend hours scrolling through lists
of wavetables, paralyzed by the impossible task of deciding which is the best to use – a
question that has no right answer. Instead, Integrate has a simple two-page layout where
every parameter has been selected for its unique axis of inspiration. Every dial, slider and
button is waiting to delight you as you delve into a world of aural possibilities.

Thanks to fdigl for introducing and providing a copy of this plugin for me!

0:00 Attacker EP
0:38 Ambient Sine EP
0:56 Woobly EP
1:30 Disto Sweep EP
1:50 Unison Pluck EP
2:18 Weird Acid EP
2:32 Cinematic Rhythm EP
3:42 Moogy EP
4:06 Distorted EP
5:46 Phazy Pad EP
7:00 Sine Key EP
7:28 Jay-P 8080 EP
8:50 Screech 01 EP
9:04 Happy Days EP
9:34 Rough Linez EP
10:48 Dark Sweep EP


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