HEROIC Will of the Emperor (10-man) - Brewmaster Monk PoV - HD

Описание к видео HEROIC Will of the Emperor (10-man) - Brewmaster Monk PoV - HD

This is our first kill of HEROIC Will of the Emperor (10-man) as a guild.

Guild: The Machine of Sylvanas-EU (Horde).

Kill date: 6th of November, 2012.

PoV: Zumzar - Brewmaster Monk. Armory at http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character...

We used 2 tanks, 2 healers and 6 dps for this.

As we pull the boss, I use Transcendence at the spawn point of the Rages, so I can quickly get back to them after having gone to kill the Courage. This is not important at all, but it is a nice way to maximize your dps/hps before the bosses spawn. I also tank the first strenght, but after that I leave it to our DK as I will be busy dancing with one of the bosses.

I was assigned to tanking Jan-xi, who spawns on the left side, so as soon as he spawns, you see me moving over to him and start moving him to the back of the room. I pop Elusive Brew, Guard and Fortifying Brew to minimize the dmg I take from the very hard hitting boss. As soon as he starts casting his Devastating Combo (which is 10 attacks on heroic) you shouldn't take any damage (other than raid dmg) if done correctly. Correctly means dodging all 10 attacks, which is rather simple once you get the hang of it. Some people are not aware of this, so I'll just say it anyways: Move AWAY from the blue lines, indicating where the next strike will hit. If you do this, dodging is easy, but still requires your full attention. Also, there seems to be a misconception out there that you need some sort of roll/blink/movement speed increase to be able to dodge them all. This is false. You should indeed be able to dodge all w/o using any movement abilities.

From now it's just rinse and repeat. Rotate CDs when the boss is hitting you, and dance correctly when he is doing his Devastating Combo. My idea was to use Elusive Brew every time I wasn't dancing, as I would've gotten +10 stacks through crits in the dance phase alone. If EB fell off in the dmg-phase, I would use it instantly again, as I was literally guaranteed to get +10 stacks in the dance phase alone, making those ~3 seconds of extra dodge very important. I tried to use Fortifying Brew and Dampen Harm on CD, whilst making sure they weren't used at the same time, to make dmg more predictable for healers. For obvious reasons, NO CDs should be used in the dancing phase. Guard was of course also used on CD.Other than that, try to help the healers by using EH and Chi Wave when you're taking dmg, and make sure you use all 3 Healthstones. Remember to remove your Stagger @ yellow or above.

As healing is very hard on this encounter, I tracked the Devastating Combo (which is a debuff), and called out to healers when tanks we're about to take dmg.

If you do all of the above correctly, you will most likely win damage meters and do shitloads of healing through Guards (mainly), Chi Wave and EH.

Lastly, tanking this boss is by far the funniest mechanic of MGV, so put some pride into it and do it right!

Ventrilo: Yes, for the entire fight.

WoL from the kill: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/f9...

My UI in 1920x1080 (Updated 21st of October, 2012):

Songs: The songs are listed at the end credits, in order of appearance.



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