HEROIC Zon'ozz (10-man) - Fire Mage PoV - HD

Описание к видео HEROIC Zon'ozz (10-man) - Fire Mage PoV - HD

This is our first kill of HEROIC Warlord Zon'ozz (10-man) as a guild.

Guild: The Machine of Sylvanas-EU (Horde).

Kill date: 9th of December, 2011.

PoV: Zumzar - Fire Mage.

We used 1 tank, 3 healers and 6 dps for this.

I really enjoyed this fight, despite the fact that we used 3 hours trying to kill it with a smart-ass tactic (we thought), then switched back to our original tactic and killed it within a couple of tries. :) We killed the boss on a total of 35 attempts. spanding over 3½ hours.

As you can see in the video, we have the raid split in two groups, while letting the ball bounce 5 times in between. After that, we stack up for cooldowns and healing in the "techno party tentacle phase", and kill shit as fast as we possibly can. Oh, and also - our healers said we should stay in with the debuff, sine they thought it was easier that way, unless it was right before the techno phase. In that case, we were supposed to run out with the debuff, and get it dispelled.

From a Fire Mage point of view, this is again a fight where we have huge potential. The normal phase is pretty straight forward, as it's just single target. I choose to pop Mirror Images right on the pull, and then again in the 3rd normal phase, simply because we didn't have issues with the techno phase. If your guild is having issues with the tehcno phase, you should pop MI there, seeing as you're only going to get 'em off twice anyway, due to it being a 6 minute encounter.

In the tehcno phase, my goal was to have LB on 3 targets at all times, while killing the Flail as first priority, and then the two Eyes I was assigned to. Multidotting in this fight can be rather fucking extremely annoying though, seeing as the tentacle's name plates are so high up, and tab-targeting doesn't always go down the way you envisioned it :)

Big combustion @ 05:55, for those of you interessed in that kind of thing.

Ventrilo: Yes, for the entire fight.

WoL from the kill: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/th... (I ranked #7 of Fire Mages at the time of the kill)

My UI in 1920x1080 (Updated for 4.3): http://www.gamefront.com/files/210680...

Songs: The songs are listed at the end credits, in order of appearance.


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