Steven Moore Keynote Address at the William Gaddis Centenary Conference

Описание к видео Steven Moore Keynote Address at the William Gaddis Centenary Conference

“New Directions for Gaddis Scholarship”

After offering a brief review of Gaddis scholarship over the last forty years, Moore discusses areas of research that have not yet been addressed, and that he hopes younger Gaddis critics will tackle someday.

Steven Moore is the author/editor of several books and essays on William Gaddis, and has written about many of Gaddis’s literary acquaintances in MY BACK PAGES: REVIEWS AND ESSAYS. His new edition of THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM GADDIS is due out in April 2023 from New York Review Books. He is also the author of the two-volume survey THE NOVEL: AN ALTERNATIVE HISTORY and of books on Ronald Firbank and Alexander Theroux.

The address was delivered on October 20, 2022 at Washington University in St. Louis. For more on the Conference, visit


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