J R by William Gaddis

Описание к видео J R by William Gaddis

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Paperback, 784 pages
Published 2020 by NYRB Classics (first published 1975)
ISBN: 9781681374680

My J R review for Splice:

Online annotations for J R:

Books used for this video:
- Beer, John. “William Gaddis.” The Review of Contemporary Fiction, vol. XXI, no. 3, 2001.

- Comnes, Gregory. The Ethics of Indeterminacy in the Novels of William Gaddis. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 1994.

- Gaddis, William. Interview with Zoltán Abádi-Nagy. The Paris Review Interviews, II: Wisdom from the World's Literary Masters. New York, Picador, 2007. Also: https://www.theparisreview.org/interv...

- LeClair, Tom. The Art of Excess. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1989.

- Marc Chénetier’s essay ““Centaur Meditating on a Saddle”: Fabric and Function of the Narrative Voice in William Gaddis’ JR”: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40550724....

- McElroy, Joseph. “Gaddis Dialogue Questioned.” Paper Empire, edited by Joseph Tabbi and Rone Shavers, University of Alabama Press, 2007.

- Moore, Steven. William Gaddis: Expanded Edition. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

- Spenser, Nicholas. “Critical Mimesis.” Paper Empire, edited by Joseph Tabbi and Rone Shavers, University of Alabama Press, 2007.

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