Powerful Prayer to St Sebastian - Virus, Global Epidemic, Healing bodily ailments, physical healing

Описание к видео Powerful Prayer to St Sebastian - Virus, Global Epidemic, Healing bodily ailments, physical healing

Healing prayer ushering God's Healing Spirit to the ailing parts of the body. Lift up all the ailments (self and others) in the promise of Jesus(John 10:10) and through the intercession of St Sebastian...

Litany to St Sebastian

Lord, have mercy on us! R/ Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us! R/ Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us! R/ Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ hear us! R/ Christ, graciously hear us!
God, the Father of heaven, R/ have mercy on us!
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, R/ have mercy on us!
God, the Holy Spirit, R/ have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, R/ have mercy on us!
Holy Mary, Queen of Martyrs. R/Pray for us.
Saint Sebastian. R/Pray for us.
Invincible Martyr. R/Pray for us.
Glorious warrior and martyr of Christ. R/Pray for us.
Patron and mirror of Christian soldiers. R/Pray for us.
Despiser of the world. R/Pray for us.
Comforter of the dying. R/Pray for us.
Consoler of the afflicted. R/Pray for us.
Announcer of the word of God. R/Pray for us.
Protector and Patron of our Parish. R/Pray for us.
Saint Sebastian, perfect in virtue and wisdom. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, servant of God and of his brothers and sisters. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, mighty in word and work. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who strengthened the Christians in torments and death. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who fortified those wavering in their faith. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who encouraged the doubting to persevere to the end. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who, inflamed with love of God, despised the pains inflicted by the tyrant. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, surrounded by celestial light. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, instructed by the holy Angels. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, giving speech to the dumb. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who for defending the truth was wounded by arrows. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who was put to death with clubs. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who was crowned with eternal glory. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, great intercessor for us with God. R/Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, endowed with power from God to avert pestilence and all contagious diseases. R/Pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: R/ Spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: R/ Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: R/ Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Christ, hear us! R/ Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us! R/ Christ, graciously hear us!

We now lift all our personal intentions to St Sebastian..

Empowered by the promise of Jesus of a life of abundance and a life of fullness and by the painful scourging my dear Lord endured for my healing, as also aided by the intercession of St Sebastian, I now rebuke and command every power of darkness, every work of satan, every ancestral curses or bondages, every spirit of sickness and illness, every infirmity, every power of sin and death to be gone to the feet of the cross to be nailed and never to return.
Let us now conclude the litany as we pray:
Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our parish, named in his honour and placed under his protection. Grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer in preparation for his feast, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Our Father, Haily Mary, Glory Be.
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