Powerful prayer to St Philomena Virgin Martyr of Christ - purity, holiness, healing

Описание к видео Powerful prayer to St Philomena Virgin Martyr of Christ - purity, holiness, healing

Struggling in the area of purity and holiness. Addicted to sensuality? Run to St Philomena... With the prayer to cleanse the family tree from any ancestral bondages...

Glorious Virgin and Martyr greatly loved by God, Saint Philomena, I rejoice with you for the power that God has given you for the glory of His name, for the building of His church and to honour the merits of your life and your death. I delight in seeing you so pure, so generous, so faithful to Jesus Christ and to his Gospel, so magnificently rewarded in heaven and on earth. Drawn by your example to practise virtue, full of hope because of all the rewards conceded to your merits I propose to imitate you by avoiding sin and obeying God completely. Help me o Great Saint by your powerful intercession. Grant me above all an inviolable purity for ever, an indomitable spirit against all evil, the generosity to deny nothing, to deny no sacrifice to God, and a love as strong as death for the faith of Jesus Christ, for the holy Roman Catholic Church, and for the Pope, the Father of all the faithful, Shepherd of shepherds and of sheep, vicar of Jesus Christ throughout the world. To these graces that I now ask for with all the ardour of my soul O Saint Philomena, I add even more graces, which I am confident that through your powerful intersession will be granted to me.

No, the good God for whom you shed your blood and gave your life, the good God who is so lavish with you and through you in granting his gifts and favours, the good God who loved me so much so as to die for me, and who gives himself to me through the Eucharist, no, he will not say no to your prayers to my wishes. He surely feels the need to help us. I fervently hope so; I put all my trust in him and in you. Amen.

Litany of St. Philomena
(Composed by St. John Vianney)

Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity one God, have mercy on us.
Response after each phrase - Pray for Us
Holy Mary, Queen of Virgins,
St. Philomena,
St. Philomena, filled with the most abundant graces from your very birth,
St. Philomena, faithful imitator of Mary,
St. Philomena, model of Virgins,
St. Philomena, temple of the most perfect humility,
St. Philomena, inflamed with zeal for the Glory of God,
St. Philomena, victim of the love of Jesus,
St. Philomena, example of strength and perseverance,
St. Philomena, invincible champion of chastity,
St. Philomena, mirror of the most heroic virtues,
St. Philomena, firm and intrepid in the face of torments,
St. Philomena, scourged like your Divine Spouse,
St. Philomena, pierced by a shower of arrows,
St. Philomena, consoled by the Mother of God, when in chains,
St. Philomena, cured miraculously in prison,
St. Philomena, comforted by angels in your torments,
St. Philomena, who preferred torments and death to the splendours of a throne,
St. Philomena, who converted the witnesses of your martyrdom,
St. Philomena, who wore out the fury of your executioners,
St. Philomena, protectress of the innocent,
St. Philomena, patron of youth,
St. Philomena, refuge of the unfortunate,
St. Philomena, health of the sick and the weak.
St. Philomena, new light of the church militant,
St. Philomena, who confounds the impiety of the world,
St. Philomena, who stimulates the faith and courage of the faithful,
St. Philomena, whose name is glorified in Heaven and feared in Hell,
St. Philomena, made illustrious by the most striking miracles,
St. Philomena, all powerful with God,
St Philomena, who reigns in Glory.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V.) Pray for us, Great St. Philomena,
R.) That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: We implore Thee, O Lord, by the intercession of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, who was ever most pleasing to Thy eyes by reason of her eminent purity and the practice of all the virtues, pardon us our sins and grant us all the graces we need. We specially seek your intercession St Philomena to fight boldly back all temptations and attacks of the devil against our personal purity and holiness. We pray for the grace of wisdom, knowlege, understanding, courage, faith and detachment. Amen.
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