The Marne Morning Show [How to Create A REAL Business Out of Nothing & ELIMINATING THE FEAR]

Описание к видео The Marne Morning Show [How to Create A REAL Business Out of Nothing & ELIMINATING THE FEAR]

Three things will prevent you from doing what you want in life. Fear. Lack of Confidence. Laziness.

They are all interconnected. Fear can be a great showstopper and so that's what we'll address today.

Fear arises when we have negative thought patterns that are operating below the surface in our subconscious minds. Fear is a great unknown energy pattern which circulates in our society. When we are not aware that it is operating all around us, and within us it can stop us short of our dreams and goals. We don't even know that it's operating within us. We ARE IT, and FEAR will never attract the right vibration to accomplish anything significant in this life.

Successful people USE fear to our advantage instead of fear using us to its advantage. Try envisioning fear as a energetic parasite that lives around and within us. If we don't accept it; it cannot use us to its benefit.

Fear has been a great motivator in my life and has led me to learn many skills that are useful to me today. The problem with fear is when we let it overpower us and it uses us to gain more fear...which is loves. If you don't buy into the fear then it cannot use you.

Let's say for example that you fear that you're not good enough to start your own successful business. The Universe knows that you're totally capable and worthy of having love and abundance in all ways in your life. However, if you wear the veil of delusion of FEAR, then you'll be disconnected from source and you'll attract more fear to you. Fear cuts off abundance and love.

A simple tactic that I use is to feel the fear and then simply stop the thought pattern that is powering the fear. I ask myself "What do you want?" or "Where's your mind?" This practice has radically changed my own vibration and therefore my life.

Now I receive the amazing Karma that I've been putting out into the world simply by changing my patterns around fear.

If you want to join my free webinar tonight at 6pm PST, please go here to sign up. Would love to see you there.

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