Laser Focus Your Search & Land Your Next Role

Описание к видео Laser Focus Your Search & Land Your Next Role

I have a gift for you to celebrate Labor Day here in the U.S. It’s regarding something you haven't done for a while, and now you know you need to, yet you don’t know where or how to start. Time is ticking. The U.S. Presidential election is looming. You need to take action and start looking for your next role, NOW.

Get into action by watching Laser Focus Your Search & Land Your Next Role, the replay of my latest LinkedIn LIVE training short this Thursday 9/5/24 @ 11am CST.

If you’re an executive either actively searching for your next role or wanting to position yourself for when you’re ready to make a change, this is a MUST attend. You know you need a strategy but with the constantly changing job market you don’t know what it is, what’s the best use of your time, or where to start. Doing what you did earlier in your career doesn’t work anymore.

In this training you’ll learn how to:

💥What’s more important than updating your LinkedIn profile
💥Why resumes are becoming obsolete
💥What job search activities are a waste of your time

And a bonus at the end of the training to start taking action and get found on LinkedIn.

It will be a short & sweet value packed 20 minutes to help effectively land your next role.

See you Thursday, 11am CST sharp!
P.S. Repost to share with your network too.♻️Thank you!


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