ረጅሙና ፈጣኑ የኮሪደር ልማት (መገናኛ - አያት)። Addis Ababa (Megenagna – Ayat) Reconstruction Status.

Описание к видео ረጅሙና ፈጣኑ የኮሪደር ልማት (መገናኛ - አያት)። Addis Ababa (Megenagna – Ayat) Reconstruction Status.

Megenagna – Ayat Corridor is one of the most populated and well developed corridors of Addis Ababa, where numerous high rise buildings has flourished in a short period of time. It is also one of the major business centers of Addis Ababa.
Addis Ababa's certain neighborhoods are currently undergoing significant demolition and reconstruction by the Government, of which Megenagna – Ayat is one of the major ones.

Visit Addis Ababa from the comfort of your home. Get a closer look at its fascinating cityscape, business activities and the life of its ordinary people in my walking and driving tour as well as public events and specific site visit videos. All the videos on this channel are my own original footages.

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