Days 10-14 | The Early Stages | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

Описание к видео Days 10-14 | The Early Stages | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

We're back! As we continue to teach our cats to talk using the Fluent Pet speech buttons we need to have patience as this process can take awhile!

We already uploaded Day 110 to show you that it works out eventually (at least for Max, still working with Luigi!) but we also wanted to show the whole process so you can see what we've tried, what has worked and what hasn't, how long it may take, etc.

With that in mind, I hope these next few videos aren't too boring! We've been going through (hundreds of hours of) footage from the early part of this adventure and compiling it into videos like this. We'll continue to try and fast forward through the slow parts so you can get the good bits without having to suffer through hour-long videos :/ And we tried to add a few funny clips to keep it interesting ;)

We're going to get much more regular with our uploads! Thank you for all of your patience while waiting for our next videos. We were gone for a month which made things difficult and we also underestimated how long it takes to go through all the footage from these cameras. We're adjusting our set-up a bit in the future to try and help with that.

But no excuses! The Kitties come first!!!

Tuesdays and Fridays will be the days! New videos! Yay! Here's the plan:
- Days 15-40
- Days 41-53
- Day 54: TREAT
- Days 55 - 109 (maybe a few videos)
(after this we may stop doing 'days')
- PETS Button
- Labeling the Buttons
- Explaining the Hextiles
(and more to come!)

Get excited and stay tuned!

The Kitties:
LUIGI: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 13.5 yrs, grumpy Hufflepuff (Grumplepuff).
----- ID: crooked mustache, black chin, and black leg spots.
MAX: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 2.5 yrs, [unwillingly] on a diet, Slytherin.
----- ID: white legs, white chin, no 'stache.


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