Days 15-40 | Keep Going! | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

Описание к видео Days 15-40 | Keep Going! | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

Our speech button attempts continue! Days 15-40 show the kitties getting more practice with the GARAGE button as we keep modeling it for them. There are a few accidental presses but no intentional ones yet. You may notice Max starting to step on the hextile, which is good!

We have a few more of these compilation videos coming up before we start showing us adding new buttons! The TREAT buttons video will be soon because we tried to use the TREAT buttons to help them grasp the concept since it was taking so long. In the end, Max started pressing the GARAGE button first before using TREAT, which is good. The next few videos will show that.

Good luck with your kitties (or whichever animal) and let us know if you used a different technique that's worked well for you!

New videos on Tuesdays and Fridays!

The Kitties:
LUIGI: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 13.5 yrs, grumpy Hufflepuff (Grumplepuff).
----- ID: crooked mustache, black chin, and black leg spots.
MAX: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 2.5 yrs, [unwillingly] on a diet, Slytherin.
----- ID: white legs, white chin, no 'stache.


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