2023 - Anchorage Unangax Dancers

Описание к видео 2023 - Anchorage Unangax Dancers

Anchorage Unangax Dancers perform live on the UAF Davis Concert Hall stage as part of the 2023 Festival of Native Arts.

Group Bio: The Anchorage Unangax Dance group, led by Ethan Petticrew, includes members of all ages from nearly every village in the Aleut region. To carry on the legacy and fulfill a vision, Ethan, along with several original members of Atx̂am Taliĝiisnikangis (Atka Dancers), formed the Anchorage based dance group which now has over 30 members!

Many of the distinctive dances performed by the Anchorage Unangax̂ Dancers were written and composed by original members of Atx̂am Taliĝiisnikangis who have given the Anchorage group permission to “borrow” their work. The group consists of original Atka Dancers who share their creative cultural styles including Ann Nevzoroff, Jolene Petticrew, Marii Swetzof, and Debbie Prokopeuff.

The group is becoming well-known and has been invited to perform all over the state at a variety of events, including the Alaska State Fair and the Alaska Native Science and Engineering gathering. The Anchorage Unangax̂ Dance group carries on the tradition of their predecessor, Atx̂am Taliĝiisnikangis, and leaves audiences in awe with their vibrant and energetic performances!

These videos are for educational and preservation purposes. DO NOT USE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. You may also contact FNA to identify dance group members. If at any time a community wishes to have their own video removed from this website, please submit a written request to Festival of Native Arts, University of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756500, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6500. To contribute a video, please contact FNA at the information provided above. Thanks to all the dance groups and volunteers throughout the years.

UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: www.alaska.edu/titleIXcompliance/nondiscrimination.


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