Thermocouple Basic Working principle. How a Thermocouple work.Temperature. Seebeck Effect. Animation

Описание к видео Thermocouple Basic Working principle. How a Thermocouple work.Temperature. Seebeck Effect. Animation

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Thermocouple Working and its basic principles are Explained in this video in simple words..
Thermocouple is an important instrument used to measure temperature.
Thermocouple is very commonly used in every process plant.
Basic working principle of thermocouple is seebeck effect.
seebeck effect is also explained in this video.

A thermocouple probe consists of thermocouple wire housed inside a metallic tube. The wall of the tube is referred to as the sheath of the probe
Thermocouple interfacing requires expertise in sensitive analog design, mixed-signal systems, and high-order mathematics for realizing temperature from the small voltage (μV) output of a thermocouple. Microchip’s fully integrated thermocouple Electromotive Force (EMF) to degree celsius converter with cold-junction compensation greatly simplifies the design process by integrating all needed functions in one package, reducing time to market
The MCP9600 is a fully integrated thermocouple EMF to degree celsius converter with cold-junction compensation. The MCP9600 supports eight thermocouple types (K, J, T, N, S, E, B, and R). It provides user-programmable registers, adding design flexibility for various temperature sensing applications.

video covers:
seebeck effect
Thermocouple working
Thermocouple Animation
Thermocouple measurement using multlimeter.
Temperature measurement using Thermocouple.

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