農村炆羊肉 - 財政預算案 Lamb Navarin

Описание к видео 農村炆羊肉 - 財政預算案 Lamb Navarin


A classic French spring stew. Apologies but there is no English subtitles for today's topic.

羊肩肉1.5公斤 - 1.5kg of lamb shoulder
洋蔥兩個 - 2 onions
胡蘿蔔兩條 - 2 carrots
京蔥一條 - 1 leek
蒜三瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic
迷迭香一湯匙 - 1tbsp of rosemary
百里香一湯匙 - 1tbsp of thyme
月桂葉兩至三片 - 2-3 bay leaves
黑胡椒粒半湯匙 - half a tbsp of black pepper
番茄膏兩湯匙 - 2tbsp of tomato puree
白葡萄酒一杯 - 1 cup of white wine
雞湯800毫升 - 800ml of chicken stock
新薯八個 - 8 new potatoes
青豆150克 - 150g of green peas
荷蘭甘筍八條 - 8 dutch carrots
白蘆筍八條 - 8 white asparagus
薄荷葉 - mint leaves to garnish
酸奶 - sour cream to garnish


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