Stockton Fire • Interior Attack And Exposures

Описание к видео Stockton Fire • Interior Attack And Exposures

Stockton Firefighters responded to 5 working structure fires during their 48 hour shift starting August 23rd at 0800. This is the second of those fires, in the 1500 block of Morrison. Crews arrived on scene to heavy fire in the structure, multiple exposures on fire, and forcible entry issues. Firefighters quickly addressed the D side exposure while awaiting forcible entry, then made an aggressive interior fire attack. Water-supply (relay pumping) operations delayed fire attack only for a moment- before crews advanced into the building. While crews were extinguishing the C side exposure, a second box alarm was reported in the north side of the city.

This video provides raw footage caught on-scene, mixed with fire-audio and explanation captions. The fire-audio is not synched up to the video.

We thank you for your views, support, feedback, and comments. Comments that contain profanity, incite controversy, or are intended to 'troll' will be deleted. We can not express enough that this video is intended to educate the public on what Stockton Firefighters must encounter- not host a platform for people to argue about personal issues or the fire service. We reserve the right to delete comments as we see fit.

We are proud to serve the citizens and City of Stockton, California.


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