Use of Laproscopic Ovarian Drilling in PCOD - Dr. Vijaykumar P K

Описание к видео Use of Laproscopic Ovarian Drilling in PCOD - Dr. Vijaykumar P K

Poly-cystic ovaries or poly-cystic ovarian syndrome which is very common disease, the incidence is around 15 to 30%. Now a days it is very commonly seen in one in ten member. So the PCOD is treated from the adult stage by changing the habits of food or changes in the Lifestyle management if that is not correctable then the mood of treatment of PCOD is by surgical. PCOD ovarian drilling is nothing but what we do here is under general anesthesia we pass small telescope through the Tanium trocar made a cut 1above the umbilicus and through the telescope we visualize the uterus ovary and tube what is seen in the Laparoscopic is the most is a very big large pearly white if you keep two ovaries it will be bigger than the uterus size, so it will be very killing Polycystic typical ovary the capsule will be very thick curly white, we hold the ovary in one hand knee of the ligament by instrument and we will make a small with the current off 40 voltage we pass a current and puncture the cyst valve, the valve like 5 to 6 depends on the size of the ovary maximum up to 10 ovarian drilling can be done on each ovary what happens is it will enhance the ovulation. So that will be a good follicle growth I'll be there and that will make the origin and pregnancy and fertilization will be very high. So that's how the laparoscopic ovarian drilling helps, but it's very important to select the patience for laparoscopic ovarian drilling, should never do excess puncturing of the ovary because you are using the current it is damaged ovary and tissue and further growth of the Fallopian will not be there, so it should have a very limited punctures minimum 4 to 5 and maximum 10 on ovarian drilling on each side.


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