Justice in 5 Minutes

Описание к видео Justice in 5 Minutes

Justice Upright: Fairness, justice, correct and appropriate outcome. Seeing the world or a particular situation with clarity. Equal partnership, arbitration, mediation, contracts, agreements, a legal situation. An encounter with the law, justice system, or highly logical organization. Working with lawyers or the law. A fair outcome or decision. An equitable exchange of goods, services, energies. Working well with others. Weighing a choice. Considering options. The ability to analyze a complex situation with insight and accuracy. Understanding all the components of a situation, especially a complex and/or dynamic one. Understanding cause and effect, past actions and their likely future outcomes. Things working out like they “should” or fairly.

Justice Upright Best Course of Action: Look at situations with clarity. Trust your judgement. Be fair with yourself and others. Consider all elements before making a decision. Come from your head, approach a question logically. Weigh all pros and cons. Engage in fruitful partnerships. Embrace a strong, well thought out working relationship. Be logical. Hammer out contracts, details, specifics, insure all points are equitable to all involved. If needed, taking things in front of an objective third party or engage a reputable lawyer or legal counsel.

Justice Reversed: Things not working out fairly. Dishonesty with yourself or others. Hidden agendas. Someone being unfair to you or you being unfair to another. Someone taking advantage of you or you taking advantage of another. The ending of a partnership. An unfair legal decision. Amoral behavior, especially veiled under the guise of being right or fair. Feeling or being judged unfairly. You being unfair towards another.

Justice Reversed Best Course of Action: Understand that you may not be able to be fair to everyone. There may be no way to correct an imbalance or injustice at this time. If possible, avoid legal entanglements as they may not work out in your favor. It may be time to end a partnership, especially one which may have been fruitful in the past but is not longer balanced. Stop judging another or a situation as you may have incomplete information. Lay down your sword. Withdraw from a legal or intellectual entanglement if possible.

Heart Chakra: Altruism and respect. Love of others as the are.
Third Eye Chakra: Seeing with tremendous clarity.


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