Try These 6 Easy Exercises To Get Relief From Parkinson's Disease.

Описание к видео Try These 6 Easy Exercises To Get Relief From Parkinson's Disease.

Try These 6 Easy Exercises To Get Relief From Parkinson's Disease.

In this informative video, Dr. Puru Dhawan mentioned some easy and essential exercises for Parkinson's patients, which will help balance and make your muscles and bones strong and healthy. If you or someone you know is struggling with Parkinson's, these exercises are a must-try to help manage the condition and improve the quality of life.

He mentioned a few exercises related to hands, wrists, arms, and fingers and also discussed how many sets of particular exercises you can do daily.

Furthermore, he provided detailed instructions on the recommended number of sets for each exercise that should be done on a daily basis to see results. Dr. Puru Dhawan informed most Parkinson's patients have tremors, so he suggested not doing heavy workouts.

It is clearly stated in the video that individuals with Parkinson's disease experience a dopamine deficiency because some of the nerve cells that make it have stopped working, and movement is affected without dopamine.

So you can try these exercises if you suffer from Parkinson's disease and if you have any doubts or queries you can directly contact us.



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