Ben Andrews finds his dream job at The Happy Wombat

Описание к видео Ben Andrews finds his dream job at The Happy Wombat

Ben Andrews:
I’m Ben Andrews and I work at the Happy Wombat. Welcome to The Happy Wombat, walk on through.

Luke Tilse:
Look, to see the progress from Ben starting with us to now is just… It’s hard to put into words. It’s just amazing to see, he’s shed weight, he’s fit, he’s confident, he leaves the house and he talks with our customers. He’s cheeky with the other staff, particularly with me.

Ben Andrews:
Luke is out of control in the morning. Starts singing and dancing… He keeps trying to waltz with me. I think he should stop doing that, but he keeps doing it.

Luke Tilse & Ben Andrews:
L: Yeah, go on, what have you learnt from me Ben?
B: I’m not even going to say.
L: You’ve got something to say, mate surely… Learnt how to behave yourself?
B: Yeap! Otherwise he swears at me.
L: What…? I’m not going to swear at you.
B: He does it all the time, in front of customers with me. He whistling, laughing, singing, dancing right beside me.
L: Ben pulls me up on my language constantly, when I’m having fun.
B: He’s like a troll.

Ben Andrews:
I work here Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday night. We make coffee in the morning, and in the afternoon, I’m pulling beer. That’s my favourite part of the job.

Tobi Andrews:
When we were growing up, Ben was definitely a mix of things in our family. It did create some challenges in some aspects but you will never meet anyone as loving as Ben, so we’re all very lucky that he’s a part of our family. He rides his bike to work whenever he comes in, he loves that. He actually spends more time here when he’s not working just as much as when he’s working just cause he loves being here.

Luke Tilse:
Ben’s work ethic is beyond anyone else that I have working for me, including myself. Ben is obsessed with working here. He loves it. He’s given up holidays with his family because – Even though we’ve told him, he can go on holidays. He can go. Both his family and us were like: “Ben, please go and have a lovely holiday”, but he will give that up because he is so desperate to get in here and work.

Ben Andrews:
I’ve been working at The Happy Wombat for 9 years. I’m really proud to keep this job.

Tobi Andrews:
The NDIS has had a significant impact on Ben’s life which he’s been involved with for a really long time now. And for Ben it’s just opened up a world full of opportunities in so many parts of his life.

Do you hope to stay at The Happy Wombat?

Ben Andrews:
Yeah, I want to stay at The Happy Wombat because The Happy Wombat is my dream job.


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