Major Force Origin - This Cruel Unstable Murderer Was Made Into One Of The Most Powerful Being In DC

Описание к видео Major Force Origin - This Cruel Unstable Murderer Was Made Into One Of The Most Powerful Being In DC

In 1988, DC comics introduced us to a unique villain who, apparently, has the ability to stand and fight against the entire Justice League of America. This villain is known as Major Force, and his existence reeks of evil. Although he was not born with super powers, the day he gained them, he swore to use them for the most horrible causes and started his journey to being the worst nightmare of the last Green Lantern. In fact, his powers share a connection to the Quantum Field and have also made him immortal. But what are these unreal powers, and how did Major Force achieve them? Well, in this video, we will explore everything about this despicable DC villain. So, without further delay, let us dive right into the video.


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