Kalibak Origins - He Clashs With His Brother Orion To prove Himself As The True Son Of Darkseid.

Описание к видео Kalibak Origins - He Clashs With His Brother Orion To prove Himself As The True Son Of Darkseid.

Every child wants to make their parents proud. Kalibak is no different. Darkseid’s son and one of the New Gods, Kalibak, would go to any lengths to make his father proud of him. I mean, Darkseid does seem like a tough individual to impress, so you must go over the top. Kalibak might not have seemed like a very tough opponent in the beginning, but you know what they say, never judge a book by its cover. The same applies to Kalibak, whose true powers shone in battle with some of the most potent DC Heroes. Now you must be wondering which heroes, well, can’t be revealing everything so early on. Let’s find out together in Kalibak: Origins Explored.


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