16 Week Old Baby - Your Baby’s Development, Week by Week

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Here's more about week 16 ➜ https://wk2wk.com/b16

16 Week Old Baby Development
Good news: Baby’s personality is blossoming. Bad news: Baby still isn’t sleeping. Ugh!
16 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶
This week, baby is working hard on her hand-eye coordination. Her fine motor development is strengthening, and she is better able to reach for (and grasp!) toys and objects. You can help her fine-tune this hand-eye coordination by moving a toy or an object in front of her. Watch to see if her eyes track the object, and her hands reach for it!

Now that your little one is four months old (hooray!), you may begin to notice her personality peeking through. How does he hold up in new situations? Did you know there are nine different traits that describe a child’s temperament and the way he or she reacts to and experiences the world?

You at 16 Weeks Postpartum 👩
Just when things began to settle down in the sleep department (maybe your little one was even sleeping through the night!)... BOOM—they are sleeping like a newborn again. Waking up two, three, maybe even four times a night! But how can this be? It’s called a sleep regression, and it happens around the four-month mark. It can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. And, mama, I’m sorry to say: It doesn’t stop there. Babies generally move through sleep regressions at four months, nine months, and 18 months!

The main reason babies go through a sleep regression at four months is due to the fact that they’ve ditched their “newborn” sleeping patterns and are now sleeping more like adults do. This huge shift in sleep results in more frequent night wakings and interrupted sleep during naps.

Hot Topics for Week 16
- 4 Month Sleep Regression: How to Stop the Madness!
- Eye Color Chart: What Color Eyes Will My Baby Have? - Baby Weight Chart: Is Your Baby On Track?
- Baby Milestones Chart: Is Your Baby on Track?

Try This With Your 16 Week Old Baby
- Start teaching baby sign language
- Provide quiet space for self-motivated play
- Do regular kegel exercises


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